Best Movies for Hunters


A film that reflects the freedom the hunter feels in the bush. Tasio prefers to stay and live in his village at a time when everyone leaves for the big city in search of work. He will continue to work on the coal company he inherits from his father and through poaching.

The Renacido (The Revenant)

It tells the story of a 19th-century explorer, hunter, and trapper who is attacked by a grizzly bear during an expedition in which his group abandons him when he gives him up for dead. Left to his fate, Hugh Glass, the protagonist manages to survive by hunting in an inhospitable place surrounded by dangers.


The protagonist, the Angel, lives in the mountain with his mother in the family home. He pulls the house forward through poaching. The story is complicated when, on one of his trips to the city to stock up, he meets Milagros, who has escaped from a reformatory. The envy of Miracles’ mother and true boyfriend turns the film into drama.

Between Lobos

Based on real events, he recounts the life of Marcos, a child with a complicated childhood to which his father sells to a Cabrero in Sierra Morena. When Cabrera Marcos dies, he survives in the middle of the Andalusian mountain range living with wolves and training an owl in addition to a ferret. The film reflects the nature of the hunter, free in nature, tied up in the city.

The Innocent Saints

A work of art reflecting the class struggle in post-war Spain and hunting is always present as it could not be otherwise, the original work being the novel of the same name written by Miguel Delibes. Who doesn’t know Rabal’s famous phrase “Milana Bonita”? Alfredo Landa and PacoRabal make the film extraordinary.

The Last Hunter

Norman is one of the last remaining trappers and fur traders on the planet. She lives away from civilization with her dogs and with Nebraska, an Indian Nahanni. Both survive thanks to Norman’s natural environment experience. Fishing, hunting, setting traps, changing the location of your cabin… that translates Norman’s life in Alaska.

The World of Juan Lobon

Which Spanish hunter doesn’t know about this series? This work chronicles a poacher’s struggle to survive by hunting in the middle of plots with the owner who won’t make it easy for him. Based on a novel that recounts real events from the Spanish post-war period in Andalusia.


Sean Mercer, a hunter who travels the world capturing animals to sell to zoos, gathers a group of hunters on the plains of Tanganyika to hunt zebras and giraffes. The appearance of a photographer, who asks to join the group, will modify the relationships and cause tensions within the team.


This brilliant work by Carlos Saura recounts a day among three lifelong friends in a must that was the scene of a battle during the Spanish Civil War. Throughout the day, the problems of the three (alcoholism, marital problems…) will make a dent and what was foreseen as a pleasant day of hunting becomes chaos

The Hunter

This Oscar-winning work by Michael Cimino – received 5 Oscars – deals with the lives of three hunting-loving friends who work together, but the Vietnam War will separate them and change their lives completely. Before they go to the war, they decide to spend their last hours together.


This Hollywood classic featuring Clark Gable, Ava Gardner, and Grace Kelly transports lovers from the African continent to their exotic places. The film tells the story of a professional hunter who sells animals to zoos around the world. Victor Marswell, who is named after the character, will encounter the adventure of helping a couple of films a documentary about gorillas.

Africa Memories

This Oscar-winning work of art is perhaps the film that best manages to evoke the sensations that transmit the African continent. It tells the story of a couple settling in Kenya for the purpose of exploiting a coffee plantation. The woman, Karen (Meryl Streep) will quickly fall in love with this land and its people, but will also complicate the plot by falling in love with an adventurous, freedom-loving man incarnate by Robert Redford.